Reiki FAQ

How does Reiki work?

Preliminary studies have resulted in postulations regarding how Reiki  works in the body.  Studies demonstrate that the energy work carried out in a Reiki session may function with the interpenetration of the practitioner’s biofield with the patient’s as the both the practitioner and the patient enter a relaxed state of mind.  This relaxed state of mind may enable the practitioner’s and the patient’s brain waves to become entrained, or sychronized, with one another in unison with the Earth’s geomagnetic field.  This effect is known as Schumann resonance.  For the patient this means that as he/she enters a state of consciousness in which emotional and somatic memories (memories stored in the body) interfering with their holistic, healthy functioning are over-ridden and vibrations emitted from the practitioner’s hands can reach the area of imbalance.

It has been proposed that a Reiki practitioner’s brain waves may become entrained with the Earth’s geomagnetic field, potentially giving explanation for how Reiki practitioner hands have been found to emit a frequency of electromagnetic waves ranging from 3-100 Hz, though typically in the range of 8-20 Hz.  These ranges are known as extremely low frequencies (ELF) and have been shown with magnetic machinary to have numerous healing effects on the body including healing soft and hard tissue; enhancing capillary formation; decreasing necrosis; reducing swelling; diminishing pain; producing faster functional recovery; reducing depth, area, and pain in skin wounds; reducing muscle loss after ligament surgery; increasing tensile strength of ligaments; and accelerating nerve regeneration and functional recovery.

These electromagnetic frequencies conducted into the body have a significant effect on the body as a whole, not just on the area receiving healing at the moment.  Each cell of the body is interconnected through a living matrix of crystalline nature.  Most tend to think of crystals as being hard like diamonds but they can also be in liquid form, just like the screen of your computer.  This crystalline matrix allows for electronic communication in the form of biophotons, or small regulated packets of light, providing for intra- and intercellular communication.  This matrix stems through the nucleus of a cell, the cytoplasm, and the extracellular matrix, enabling all the processes in the human body to take place.  This means, for example, that when you touch your skin you are affecting your body down to its core.  Likewise, Reiki has a systemic, healing effect on the body and mind.

What conditions can Reiki address?

Evidence-based scientific studies have shown Reiki to have numerous beneficial physiological effects on the body.  These demonstrate that Reiki may help to  address numerous conditions and illnesses including, though not limited to:

Physiological and Mental Stress, Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Discomfort in HIV/AIDS, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease

What should I expect in a Reiki session?

A Reiki session begins with a brief interview covering the patient’s concerns and goals.  The auric field (see Resources for more explanation) which surrounds the patient is also sensed, helping to determine the focus of therapy.  Reiki therapy is given by the Reiki practitioner following a series of 17 hand positions, laying his/her hands on vital points on the patient’s body for 1-2 minutes each while the patient is either lying down or sitting.  A session lasts about 45 minutes to one hour during which the practitioner may spend more time in specific positions suited to the particular individual’s needs.  Typically, an individual receiving Reiki will experience a sensation of relaxation and some also note sensations of heat, vibration, or pulsing.

When was Reiki developed?

Reiki is believed to have existed as far back as 3,000 years ago and was rediscovered in Japan in the late 1800s by a Buddhist Zen monk, Mikao Usui, who then went on to teach his system of healing to a handful of students.  After he passed away his system was simplified and divided into a few schools based on slight differences in practice.

Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman who underwent Reiki treatment and then training as a Reiki master in Japan, is credited with bringing Reiki to the West.  Before passing away she taught 22 Reiki masters, many of whom also devised their own versions though the core teachings have never been lost despite these differences.

Information is taken from Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James L. Oschman and Hand to Hand: The Longest Practicing Reiki Master Tells His Story by John Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray.

For more information refer to the Reiki main page or Resources.